We sometimes dream of expeditions to the summits of the Himalayas or the Alps. We watch on YouTube the films shot during the ascents of the snowy, steep and dangerous mountains.
It’s exciting in the distance, but it’s a bit tiring up close… So what can you do? Hikalpinism!
Route Description

How to get here: Go to the end of Vallouise Valley, park in the car park next to Cézanne hut. Beware, dogs are not allowed in the heart of the Parc des Écrins.
For whom: It’s quite easy hiking, the path is wide, in exposed places it is equipped with cables. The exposure is never very strong, you always have the opportunity to help yourself with your hands. Only hikers who suffer from a strong fear of emptiness can get stuck on certain passages.
If you decide to prolong the pleasure and climb above the refuge of the Glacier Blanc, you will have to find your way through the rather chaotic terrain. Nothing nasty, just look ahead, not at your feet.
The difficulties start as soon as you get to the other side of the stream of the Glacier Blanc. Better to have a good balance or use your hands or cables to pass through a few technical passages. Especially if they are wet by rain. A word of advice: try to follow the path so as not to find yourself in a dangerous place to pass.
Equipment: Just a pair of good hiking shoes and sunscreen.
Photo album

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