I often have the impression that time slows down considerably in certain situations. For example, a few days before unpacking a birthday present, or the last week before the summer holidays are three times longer than usual.
It was the same story with the trip to Lake Eychauda.
Lake Eychauda. Photo by Rafal Buczynski
Route description
Getting to the site : In Pelvoux le Sarret turn right, into a small road that goes up to Chambran (follow the sign “l’Eychauda”). Park at the terminus of the road.
For whom : Up to the lake, the hike is easy, the climb to the Grangettes pass requires more vigilance. The last few metres are very steep and can be tricky for people who have a fear of heights. There are no precipices, but the risk of slipping is real. Trekking poles can be very useful here. The level of difficulty increases gradually, so you can test your hiking skills without too much risk.
The path to the Grangettes pass is narrow and requires a bit more attention. At the end you need to use your hands to get over the last few metres of ascent.
Equipment : Just a pair of good hiking boots, poles and sun cream.
Photo album
Chambran valley.
Alpine garden.
Towards the Grangettes pass.
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