Lunch at the Refuge des Bans

What is the meal worthy of Escapadelia? The athletic meal of course! Preceded by a climb to the Refuge des Bans to stimulate the appetite and followed by the digestive descent.

Route description

Time: 3.5 h round trip (lunch break not included), Distance 8 km round trip

Getting to the site from Vallouise, take the road to Villard and follow it to the terminus.

For whom : Any hiker can do this, but those who suffer from the fear of heights (in severe form) should take courage on some slightly aerial passages (very well equipped).


The last uphill before reaching the refuge requires attention in view of the exposure. The path is stuck to the rock walls, it is quite large and in every tricky spot equipped with cables. An impressive, but not dangerous passage.



Link to GPX file


Equipment : Just a pair of good hiking boots, poles and sun cream. 

Photo album

When Muriel and Yves – the first guests we welcomed to Escapadelia last year and who have since become friends – wondered which little hike to choose (more fun than sporty), the refuge des Bans was chosen by acclamation. Not difficult, but with landscapes worthy of high mountains and a promise of a very good meal at the end of the trail.

La montée à l'Alaric

The path climbs gradually and without difficulty along the torrent des Bans. The vegetation changes with the altitude, the larches become more and more rare and leave the place to the carpet of rhododendron.

Photo by Yves Gauthier

Inscription on a plaque next to a pond full of frogs: don’t bother us, even without you we have a difficult life

We can already see the goal of our escapade, but before we get there, we have to cross a small rocky rise. The path is wide, equipped with cables, it works…

A well-deserved rest and meal. This is why we love the mountains: a walk with friends, breathtaking landscapes, a convivial moment over a meal… Definitely worth doing again!

Photoooo and eat! Photo by Yves Gauthier
View from refuge des Bans
View from refuge des Bans

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